When leaf and frame apply thick: Concealed door hinge overcomes claddings on both sides
When door leaves and frames are cladded, there may be functional reasons for this, such as improved sound insulation. In most cases, however, visual arguments play a role with the aim of creating a modern, flush-to-wall design.
At Fensterbau Frontale 2024, Basys will be presenting the “Pivota DX 110 3-D”, a solution for overcoming claddings on doors on both the frame and leaf side. This hinge is flush in itself and can therefore be used flexibly. Instead of the usual 8 mm, it can overcome up to 10 mm on both sides (without a radius on the leaf or frame). This means that the routing which creates the pocket for the hinge can be outside the cladding. The load capacity of the three-dimensionally adjustable hinge is 100 kilograms per pair. It can be opened up to 140 degrees.

Caption: The concealed hinge “Pivota DX 110 3-D” overcomes claddings of up to 10 mm on both the leaf and frame side. The load capacity is 100 kilograms per pair. Photo: Basys

Caption: The concealed hinge “Pivota DX 110 3-D” overcomes claddings of up to 10 mm on both the leaf and frame side. The load capacity is 100 kilograms per pair. Photo: Basys