Beschläge mit Ideen


Here we inform you about up-to-date news.

  1. BaSys presents on the exhibition fensterbau frontale 2018

    The exhibition fensterbau frontale took place from 21st of March till 24th of March 2018 in Nuremberg.   We thank all visitors for their interest and the good discussions.   You can find the brochure regarding our Exhibition News here (browsable PDF file).   Impressions of our stand during the show:  

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  2. BaSys Product Broschures with new Design

    We have planned a re-design of our brochures since a long time, now we have finalized a part of them:   Brochure „Concealed Hinges PIVOTA ® DX“ Brochure „Concealed Hinges for glass doors PIVOTA ® DX Glass“ Brochure “Hinge Systems for front doors MASTERBAND”   You can download these brochures from now on in our […]

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  3. New website online

    New and fresh design, more and comprehensive information and a simple product search, These were our requirements regarding a new website. Since Monday this week the new website is “live” and we are looking forward to your kind feedback!  

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  4. BaSys obtains next award

    Directly after the meeting of the jury on the 16th of November 2017 we got the good news:   The German Design Council awards our self-closing concealed hinge PIVOTA DXS “Close” with the Iconic Award 2018 “best of best”.   We are proud and happy to continue our journey:   German Design Award 2016 “Winner” […]

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  5. BaSys Calendar 2018

    Door of the future – this is the title of our calendar for the year 2018. This work was created in a mutual approach with the university of interior design and architecture, Detmold, Germany. The calendar can be ordered as of now.   These are the monthly pictures:                 […]

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  6. BaSys passes sucessfully UL tests in Northbrook, USA

    Our concealed hinges PIVOTA DX were tested successfully in the US-American test laboritory UL according to differenct parameters.   30 minutes fire resistance for our hybrid models, 60 minutes fire resistance for our steel models were achieved and certified.   This will help to open doors for the application of our products in markets which […]

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  7. BaSys becomes member of T6

    Since the beginning of July BaSys belongs to the so called T6 group (please compare to  T6 aims to offer customers in our export markets a comprehensive portfolio of products “around the door” by a mutual cooperation of hardware manufacturers.   In addition, T6 focusses on common presentations at exhibitions, business travels as well […]

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